Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
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Cette page contient une explication plausible sur l’éthologie du monstre, et ne découle pas toujours d'un canon de la série (voir éthologie).

Description en jeu

Green Plesioth 3U Icon

Sous-espèce de Plesioth aux écailles vert jade. Principalement aquatique, il est pourtant tout aussi adroit sur la terre ferme. Quand il est énervé, il sort de l'eau pour semer la destruction sur la terre.


Green Plesioth is a Piscine; it is related to Cephadrome, Cephalos, and Lavasioth. It is possible that its green coloration is due to an algae colony that has developed on its scales due to old age. Or it could be due to a mutation in its scale color.


The Green Plesioth has been seen in the Desert and Jungle areas. Most likely, there are underwater passages linking the Desert to the Jungle, as the only area Plesioth can live in the Old Desert is area 5. In the Moga region Green Plesioth are found in the Deserted Island and Flooded Forest.


Much like their relatives, the Green Plesioth are top predators, especially in water. They often catch and eat Aptonoth,Epioth, Sharqs, sea birds, turtles, frogs, and smaller terrestrial animals. In the Old Jungle and Jungle these piscine wyverns are the apex aquatic predators as there are no other large predators, save for members of their own kind that can challenge them. Here these wyverns have also been documented attacking and preying upon large serpentine crocodiles with relative ease signifying the piscine wyverns' dominance in both the Old Jungle and Jungle. However in the Moga region these creatures must live alongside other large aquatic predators all of which are leviathans in the Flooded Forest and Deserted Island. Lagiacrus, its two Subspecies, and Gobul are major threats to Green Plesioth and the wyvern will avoid these leviathans as much as they possibly can.

Adaptations biologiques

Green Plesioth has evolved to support a near fully aquatic lifestyle. It could have both gills and lungs, as Green Plesioth is capable of surviving on land. It is also capable of shooting high-pressure water jets from its mouth to attack large threats and stun small prey. Unlike most wyverns Green Plesioth lack any claws on their feet and this can lead to some clumsy movement on land.


Plesioth is a highly aggressive wyvern, normally attacking hunters. It has an uncanny ability to determine if there are multiple hunters in an area. Like normal Plesioth, the Green Plesioth loves frogs, which can be used to fish them out of the water. However, they can only be used if the monster hasn't seen the hunter yet. They also cannot be used if there is more than one hunter in the area. Both types of Plesioth are known to "spam" their water jets when hunters are far from them, and hipchecks when hunters are close to them.They are highly sensitive to sudden loud sounds that makes them enraged if they hear it. Like their relatives Green Plesioth have been known to use their high-pressure water beams to strike prey far above their reach such as birds, avian bird wyverns, monkeys, and bats. If struck with a precise hit the prey will then fall into the water where they're easy prey for the piscine wyvern.
