Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
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Menu de navigation – Lavasioth
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Le Lavasioth est un Wyvern Nageur introduit dans Monster Hunter Frontier Season 1.0. Il est connu pour vivre dans des milieux volcaniques et peut être rencontré au HR 17* dans Monster Hunter Frontier et HR 8* dans Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.

MHFU-Lavasioth Render 001


Le lavasioth est un Wyvern nageur qui vit dans le magma plutôt que dans l'eau. Son corps est couvert de lave durcie , formant une solide carapace. Sa tête ressemble à celle d'un poisson, avec des traits long et larges, et des yeux rond. Sa bouche est pleine de dents pointues comme des aiguilles. Ses jambes sont larges avec des écailles de pierre, elles se terminent par des palmes au lieu de griffes . contrairement aux autres Wyverns nageurs, le Lavasioth n'a pas "d'ailes". A la place, il a une paire de nageoires de moyenne longueur. Il a une longue queue épaisse pour l'aider à traverser l'épais magma où il vit.


Its attacks and movements are vaguely similar to those of a Plesioth and Blos wyverns. It can fire huge balls of magma at hunters; when these hit the ground, they scatter into smaller molten rocks which can still do considerable damage. Lavasioth can also jump up and slam itself down on the ground - this attack is very powerful. Another common attack is the 'Sliding U Turn'. It will slide bodily across the ground towards hunters, but after missing can turn around and slide at hunters again, with pin-point accuracy.


Lavasioth is a rarely seen Piscine Wyvern, living and swimming in lava. It is almost using its body all the time, from body slam to hip-check. Its hard rock scales make Lavasioth able to swim inside lava without burned, also making it hard to slashed by swords, it will need pink sharpness to make it finely slashed without bouncing (Although the slash will leave some bouncing sprinkle).


Lavasioth lives in the Volcano area.

Other Non-Subspecies Forms

Hard Core (HC) Lavasioth

FrontierGen-HC Lavasioth Render 001 (Edited)

In Monster Hunter Frontier Season 8.0, HC Lavasioth is introduced, complete with new attacks. It can rear up and fire a spread of fireballs into the air, which fall and damage hunters around it, and it can fire more projectiles from within the lava. It can also use double body-slams.

Game Appearances

Apparitions chronologiques
1ère apparition
(États-Unis / Europe)
1ère apparition
Dernière apparition
MHFU-Logo (2009) MHFO MHF-G6
Opus principaux
Série Frontier
  • Aucune apparition

In-Game Description

Description du jeu Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Lavasioth Icon A piscine wyvern that resides in magma. Its scales are covered by layers of cooled magma, which makes it one hard nut to crack. It swims around in lava, spewing the molten rock it takes in at its prey… Researchers love to study its peculiar way of life.
Description du jeu Monster Hunter Frontier G
MHFG-Lavasioth Icon (?)


Remarques générales

  • Its head and back fins are breakable.
  • Lavasioth is weakest to cutting damage on the stomach, and impact damage on the back.
  • It is easy to notice when it is weak enough to capture; the layer of flowing lava on its body will disappear.
  • Like the Plesioth, its areas are limited. It can only move between areas 9 and 10 in the Volcano.
  • It can chain up to 4 body slams, most often when it is in rage.
  • Lavasioth's Hip Check is blockable, but even if blocked the Hunter will still take minor damage (even if they are using Guard +2).

Monster Hunter Frontier G6

  • In Monster Hunter Frontier Forward.5, two new Lavasioth variants (Aruganosu and Goruganosu) are introduced. They appear in the Tower 3 as a pair, one gold and the other silver. The silver variety favours Ice-element attacks and the gold variety Thunder, and they can combine their moves with deadly effect.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

  • In the video "Magma-Swimming Wyvern", an Apceros dies when Lavasioth shoot its molten rock, and a Vespoid dies when hit by a tail swipe; but, in-game, Apceros and Vespoid will not die easily like in the video.
