Lavasioth snakes around like Plesioth. It turns around to hit the hunter in rage mode.
Stay away from it then attack his head. If it turns around, you need a lot of stamina to dive away from it then attack it.
Hip Check
Lavasioth does a hip check.
Dive away from it
Fire Ball
Lavasioth fires a Fireball that, upon impact, will scatter four hot rocks in a cross-direction
Attack his legs, or stay on its right and attack the head after it fires.
Fire Ball(on lava)
Lavasioth fires a Fireball in a Cephadrome-like style
N/a (gunners dodge then shoot)
Triple Fire Ball(on lava)
Lavasioth jumps and dives down to unleash three fire balls
Tail whip (Blos Style)
Lavasioth swings his tail in a blos-like style
Attack his head on the front-left so that the tail doesn't hit you
Body Slam
Lavasioth Jumps up and down to damage anyone on the spot. causes terrain shake when not near his spot
Stay away from it then hit it.
Lavasioth brings his head to the right and bites down and to the left
Hit his legs or avoid it.