Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
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Liste des monstres

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Cette page contient une explication plausible sur l’éthologie du monstre, et ne découle pas toujours d'un canon de la série (voir éthologie).

In-Game Information

MHFG-Gogomoa Icon



Gogomoa est un pélagus , une classe de monstres avec des caractéristiques de mammifères, avec l'exemple de Congalala , Blangonga , Arzuros , Rajang et plus.

Habitat Range

Jusqu'à présent, Gogomoa ne peut être trouvé que dans la zone de la jungle de l'île de Tide. Ici, Gogomoa passe la majeure partie de sa vie à traverser les arbres des mangroves à la recherche de nourriture. On pense qu’en raison de l’isolement des espèces sur l’île, ils ne pourraient vivre nulle part ailleurs.

Ecological Niche

Gogomoa are known to behave mostly like a real world sloth spending its time in the trees, even hanging upside down. Adult Gogomoa have few predators and the only creature to pose a major threat are Pariapuria. The aquatic wyverns are very capable of dragging the primates to a watery grave when said creatures go to drink water. Yian Kut-Ku Bleu would pose little threat to an adult Gogomoa due to their omnivorous diet, but could be a potential threat to a young Gogomoa separated from its mother as the bird wyverns are highly opportunistic creatures. The powerful Carapaceons Daimyo Hermitaur, Ceanataur Shogun , and Taikun Zamuza also co-exist with the Gogomoa but due to spending a vast majority of their lives in the Tide Islands' caves encounters with Gogomoa are rare and would rather eat mosses, lichens, mushrooms, and decomposing carcasses than waste energy chasing after the more agile primates.

Biological Adaptations

Gogomoa have large and incredibly sharp claws that are primarily used for climbing but can also be used for self-defense against creatures such as Pariapuria and Blue Yian Kut-Ku that get too close for comfort. The one unique ability that set Gogomoa apart from their close primate relatives such as Congalala and Rajang is that they are capable of shooting a thick elastic substance resembling that of a spider's from special organs with pore-like holes located in both hands. To make this substance stick to were it chooses it eats large amounts of sticky plants from its island home and then licks the opening of these unusual thread creating organs. Gogomoa use this ability to travel through the trees of their environment with relative ease. The horns of a Gogomoa can tell you its age.


Due to limited resources on the Tide Island Gogomoa unlike most primates are solitary in nature and only search out each other during the mating season. Female Gogomoa are fiercely protective of their young and will aggressively attack hunters and Pariapuria if said threats get much too close to comfort. If their young get harmed a Gogomoa is known to go berserk loosing all care for its self in a attempt to quickly kill the attackers with surprising speed and adrenaline strength.

Some older Gogomoa have learned to use the nests of the poison thunderbugs in its habitat as weapons poisoning and causing sleep upon targets.
