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Monster Hunter Tri[]



Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Gobul will dig into soft ground on land or the mud underwater. While submerged, to be able to tell were it is there is distinctly colored patch where it will lie and the ground is raised up just a bit.

There are a variety of moves Gobul may perform while hiding. Them being the Underground Flash, The Jump, Spike Extend, Lunging Bite, and most notably The Vortex.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

You never really want to be around Gobul when it is hiding as it can perform the Jump, Vortex, etc. before the hunter would be able to get out of the radius of the attack. The preferred option is to circle Gobul and wait for it to do a move which will show itself as it's hard to predict what will come at you when Gobul is submerged. Also if far away from the monster use this time to heal, sharpen your weapon, etc.

Land Based[]

Charge Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Gobul has the ability to charge the hunter. Targeting a hunter it will propel itself with its stubby fins at the hunter.There is no warning sign other than Gobul turning to face the target. It will either be a very short burst of Gobul falling on top of a close hunter or if the target is farther away Gobul will push itself forward with its front fins until it reaches its target and trips. At the end of the attack Gobul falls on the ground skidding its face a bit then gets back up.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Block if necessary or run/roll out of the way. For more experienced hunters you can evade through it although you do not want to evade straight into the charge as the short invincibility will wear off and you'll get hit by the body instead of the mouth which still does the same damage. You will want to evade more to the side of him to avoid this from happening. Also if far away from the monster use this time to heal, sharpen your weapon, etc.

Tail Sweep Ailment Inflicted: Paralysis
Normal Mode

Gobul lift's its barbed tail up then sweeps it along the ground. Will first sweep it right then left. If hit by this attack it will cause instant paralysis and leave the hunter shaking on the ground until it wears off or the hunter is stricken by a monster (other hunters hitting or kicking you will have no effect). Fairly easy to see the warning of this attack, but it strikes quite fast. Also the reach of this attack can be dropped if the tail is cut, however the paralyzing effect will still remain.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Block if necessary or run/roll out of the way. Blocking is not advised however as on the second sweep he will hit you in the back while guarding which will paralyze you. Evasion is much more useful and reliable for this attack. You won't even have to worry about this attack if you are hitting the other parts of the body.

Flash Ailment Inflicted: Dizzy
Normal Mode

Gobul will drop its head slightly and let off 3 or so quick, small flashes from its lantern that have no effect then opens its mouth wide and lifts the lantern high up to let loose with a large, stunning flash which will stun the hunters in the blast radius. If the lantern is broken Gobul will still try to flash victims though it will be unsuccessful. There is also a separate animation for this where Gobul is hiding underground and pops its lantern out, gives off the 3 quick flashes, then the large flash. It comes out from hiding after the attack.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

This attack is guard-able which works well too since there is little to none knock back from guarding it. Evasion also works for the more skilled players. Another option is the super man dive although the above options are generally better. Also if the hunter is far enough away and not looking directly at Gobul they will come out unscathed.

Barrel Roll Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Gobul will puff its spikes out then quickly roll to the side the hunter is on. It can roll to either side it just depends which hunter it is targeting. This attack strikes fairly quickly and if the hunter is to the side of him they will get steam rolled no matter what. It will have a slight pause after where it will flick its spines down and up which allow for some quick hits.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Guard against the attack if necessary. Will give some knockback without guard skills, but nothing too bad. Evasion skills also come in handy for the skilled players as you can dodge through the roll and keep up the onslaught on him. Guarding is obviously easier to pull off though. Also if far away from the monster use this time to heal, sharpen your weapon, etc.

Lunging Bite Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Gobul will lurch back slightly, let out a deep gurgle with its mouth wide open, then hop further by a small bit and bite. This attack does not have much range, but if in front of Gobul can cause problems. Gobul cannnot chain this attack with any thing else. Also underwater it has an improved version of it in which Gobul does a double bite instead. Gobul has the ability to perform this when hiding. Unlike when it's not hiding there is no warning, he will jump out of the ground at anytime and let loose with a bite.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Block against the attack if necessary although Evasion skills are much more reliable and won't cause knockback. Evasion also provides more hits on him. Guard is much easier to pull off, however skilled players are reccomended to use evasion. Also if far away from the monster use this time to heal, sharpen your weapon, etc.

Underwater Based[]

Flash Ailment Inflicted: Dizzy
Normal Mode

Same thing as the above ground one. Just, well, underwater. It has the same animation and effects just it will effect you underwater. There is also an underground version where Gobul pops it's lantern out and does the same animation as it would if it were underground on land.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

This attack is guard-able which works well too since there is little to none knock back from guarding it. Evasion also works for the more skilled players. Also if the hunter is far enough away and not looking directly at Gobul they will come out unscathed. The only difference from this and the land based one is not being able to use the super man dive.

Lunging Bite Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Same thing when one bite is performed Gobul will pull head up diagonally a little, make a growl, then lunge and bite, however underwater Gobul may perform 2 bites in a row making it a bit more dangerous. Another thing to be warned about is Gobul can perform this attack while hiding.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Basically same thing as above ground. Block against the attack if necessary although Evasion skills are much more reliable and won't cause knockback. Evasion also provides more hits on him. Guard is much easier to pull off, however skilled players are recommended to use evasion. Only difference would be that you wouldn't want to gaurd against his double bite as it will consume more stamina.

Also if far away from the monster use this time to heal, sharpen your weapon, etc.

Jump Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

One of Gobul's more powerful attacks. It can only be performed as long as Gobul is underground . The sign that it's about to perform this move will be that when Gobul's hiding it will release sould like pressure being opened up and bubbles will puff around the area Gobul it is located. Gobul is then launched into the air and comes crashing back down into the water with spikes puffed up landing onto a unsuspecting hunter. It should be noted that when Gobul is flying out of the water it will cause damage if the hunter is in it's path.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

First of all, you don't really want to be near Gobul when it is hiding as it's near impossible to predict his next attack, but should you catch yourself next to a leaping Gobul you'll want to have Evasion skills or if you're quick enough to get your shield up do so. This will take a considerable chunk of Stamina should you Guard this attack. If further away from Gobul when this attack is used feel free to sharpen your weapon, heal, etc.

Spike Extend Ailment Inflicted: Paralysis
Normal Mode

One of the less seen attacks Gobul uses. Gobul will mainly perform it when a hunter finds a Gobul resting in the ground before it has been spotted, it will also only happen when the hunter is directly above the Gobul, most likely trying to carve it's whiskers. Like the Tail Sweep it causes instant paralysis leaving the hunter inept. Gobul may also perform this if it's hiding and hunter is over it hacking at it while it's hiding.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

First of all, you don't really want to be near Gobul when it is hiding as it's near impossible to predict his next attack. Evasion skills would be hard to use on this as you would need to be very quick. Guard can work as you can hold your stance without worry.

Turn Bite Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

This attack doesn't do damage when Gobul is not raged.

Rage Mode
While this attack when Gobul is not enraged is just a turn motion with it's fin, when enraged it gains a bite when turning as the attack name suggests. It will perform this whenever turning towards a hunter and will damage them knocking them away.
Evasive Maneuver

Evasion skills are very helpful for this as it is very easy to predict the monster turning towards you. Guard skills can be used too, but they are truly not as helpful. The time while Gobul is doing this can be used to get a quick heal if further away. Sharpening your weapon would not be recommended however as this takes a lot longer.

The Vortex Ailment Inflicted: WaterBlight
Normal Mode

Gobul's signature move, it can only be used underground, but is very powerful when used. It will come out of the ground half-way then start to take in massive amounts of water creating a very large vortex that will suck any hunter caught in it into the Gobul's jaws. It can also sweep with it to a certain extent. When the hunter is drawn in Gobul will jump out with it's mouth wide open and inflict a decent amount of damage along with WaterBlight.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

You certainly do not want to be guarding against this unless you have Guard Up. Evasion is kind of risky as Gobul may still sweep you in if it starts to home in on you. The preferred option is to get behind Gobul and gain some free hits on his back while Gobul's in it's animation. This is a great time to heal, sharpen, etc. if you're behind Gobul.
