Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
19 617

Kiu: ce matin, vers 10h du mat', on a un contributeur qui a supprimé toute la page du Barroth, et des sections des GJ et Alatreon (d'ailleurs sur le Grand Jaggi, d'après l'historique il y a eu une petite bataille entre vandalisme et anti-vandalisme, gagnée par Lady Lostris heureusement). Le contributeur fauteur a été banni, et ça m'a permis aussi de voir quelques infractions d'un autre.

Now back to Lady Lostris: first of all, Hello (despite of the late hour), and Thank you for the reverts (and please don't mind my english ^^); it could have taken some time (maybe not too long, yet it'd still be too long) before someone noticed the vandalim, and actually I discovered it while reading this message earlier this morning. I also have been able to do some cleaning thanks to this.

But I have to admit that this is the first time I hear of an Anti-vandalism channel, so I'd appreciate if you could give me a link or any piece of information about it; I guess it's on the Wikia Community Central, but I can't find it. Oh, by the way: can anybody use it, or are there restrictions?

Anyway, pleased to meet you; and if you ever want to find out about Monster Hunter matters, feel free to pass by and ask anything you want!
