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Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
19 617
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Ligne 28 : Ligne 28 :
|Titre Chinois = 桃毛兽王
|Titre Chinois = 桃毛兽王
|Titre Coréen = /
|Titre Coréen = /
|Type de Monstre = Wyvern à crocs
|Type de Monstre = [[Encyclopédie des Monstres : Pélagus|Bête à crocs]]
|Elément = {{Elément|Feu}}
|Elément = {{Elément|Feu}}
|Statut ={{Statut|Sommeil}}
|Statut ={{Statut|Sommeil}}

Version du 28 septembre 2014 à 14:50

ItemIcon006 Certains noms utilisés dans cet article proviennent d'une traduction non officielle du nom japonais des monstres.
Les noms sont obtenus par traduction, ou à l'aide de termes équivalents en anglais et français dans les précédents opus déjà traduits.
Important Remarques :
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Le Congalala est une bête à crocs qui habite une gamme d'habitats, mais est le plus souvent trouvé dans les jungles et marécages .

Conagala 2



Il ressemble à un gorille géant, doté d'une fourrure rose, une tête d'hippopotame, et de longues griffes. Le pic sur sa tête est en fait des cheveux que le Congalala a lissés en forme de pic, pour signifier qu'il est le chef de meute. Les Congalalas sont des bêtes étonnamment intelligentes.


Les Congalalas sont pour la plupart très dociles. Ils réagissent bien à la présence d'herbivores, tant qu'ils donnent une grande couchette. Ils peuvent rapidement devenir agressifs envers tout ce qui perturbe leur repas ou les fait sursauter.


Dans le Vieux Monde, le Congalala réside principalement dans la Jungle, la Vieille Jungle et le Marais. Son homologue du Nouveau Monde peut être trouvé dans la Forêt Primaire, la Grande Forêt Inconnue, la Montagne Divine et la Cavité Submergée

Apparaît dans

Apparitions chronologiques
1ère apparition
(États-Unis / Europe)
1ère apparition
Dernière apparition
MHF2-Logo (2007) MH2-Logo (2006) MH4U-Logo (2015)
Opus principaux
Série Frontier

In-Game Description

Titre de jeu invalide : Monster Hunter Freedom 2 / Monster Hunter Freedom Unite


Remarques générales

  • It primarily uses melee attacks, such as charges or swipes, with an occasional belly flop.
  • Without the ESP skill, when the Congalala inflates its stomach, all attacks aimed at its stomach will bounce. However, it can be attacked from the side or the rear.
  • The Congalala's signature move is its fart attack, which inflicts the Soiled status, preventing the hunter from consuming any food items unless they use a Deodorant or wait for the status to pass.
  • The Congalala can also breathe flames, poison, paralysis or sleep gas out in front of it in the same fashion as Teostra or Lunastra using their fire breath.
  • The Congalala also has a dangerously strong combo in which it swipes 3 times and then does a body slam; however, this attack leaves it temporarily open to attacks, as long as the quake is avoided.
  • When enraged, its face and behind turn red, and it angrily blasts a fart. In rage mode, it is both faster and stronger.
  • The Congalala's weakspot, the head, will yield Vibrant Pelt when broken, and the remaining scraps of hair effectively make it look like a giant Conga with claws.
  • If the hunter drops meat mid-battle, Congalala may stop to eat it. This trait can be utilised by dropping drugged, tainted and poisoned meat. The Congalala indicates that it is going for the meat when it stands on its hind legs and sniffs the air. It may take more than one meat to inflict the desired effect.
  • Congalala have been known to fart when caught in a Pitfall Trap; consider keeping a safe distance away. It is especially likely when they are in Rage mode.
  • Congalala is found in much the same habitats as its stronger relative, the Emerald Congalala.
  • When hungry, the Congalala can release a sonic fart. This fart will actually have the same effect as a roar, but can be avoided by distance or the Earplugs skill.
  • Congalala is able to use a Dung Throw attack. One chunk of dung is sent flying a short distance, and if the hunter is hit, it will inflict the Soiled status.
    • To keep a Congalala from using its Dung Throw attack, simply do not break its tail. As long as the mushroom, ore, or bone is held in its tail, it cannot throw dung at the hunter.
  • An interesting thing to note is that Congalala falls face-first into a Pitfall Trap, unlike most monsters whose heads are caught above ground.
  • After dying, a Congalala can still damage any hunters nearby if they are standing near its claws while flailing its arms around. 

Monster Hunter 4

  • It can become infected by the Frenzy Virus
  • When low on stamina it will fail to do its breath attacks and will take longer to do its fart attacks.
  • It will feed on mushrooms in order to regain stamina.
  • It can now inflict Blastblight due to eating specialized mushrooms.
  • Congalala gets a new super breath attack that has longer range than the normal one.
