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Important Remarques :

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Le Ceanataur Shogun est un Carapacéon large et bleu qui vit dans le marais et le volcan.

2ndGen-Shogun Ceanataur Render 001


Il vit et cherche protection dans un crâne de Gravios, un coquillage ou un crâne de Wyvern.


Les Ceanataurs Shoguns sont en quelque sorte dociles, comme leurs proches cousins les Hermitaurs Daimyo. Les chasseurs passent parfois derrière eux sans qu'ils les remarquent. Cependant, quand des chasseurs ou leurs alliés sont repérés, ils vont se défendre avec leurs griffes tranchantes.


Les Ceanataurs Shogun vivent et peuvent être rencontrés au Marais et au Volcan.

Autre forme non-sous-espèce

Ceanataur Shogun Hard Core (HC)

FrontierGen-HC Shogun Ceanataur Render 001

Le Ceanataur Shogun Hard Core à la tête et la carapace teintées de poison, comme s'il gardait son poison comme un juvénile, pour s'en couvrir, alors qu'il peut cracher du poison comme les adultes. De plus il peut expulser une vague de poison et peut en cracher directement de sa carapace de Gravios, la seule qu'il porte. Son comportement est différentre d'un Ceanataur Shogun standard has its face and shell stained with poison as it keeps the poison spit it had as a juvenile, except as an adult it can spray poison as a sweeping beam and spit some from the Gravios shells they only wear. Behavior is more dangerous than before as it purposely causes quakes as it attacks to keep prey from moving (Quake Resist+2 required for safety).

Apparition en jeu

Apparitions chronologiques
1ère apparition
(États-Unis / Europe)
1ère apparition
Dernière apparition
MHF2-Logo (2007) MH2-Logo (2006) MHF-G6
Opus principaux
Série Frontier

Description en jeu

Titre de jeu invalide : Monster Hunter Freedom 2 / Monster Hunter Freedom Unite


Remarques générales

  • When the first shell is broken, it is likely to dig underground almost immediately, and upon resurfacing, it will have another shell. Upon breaking it again, it will be rendered "shell-less" permanently.
  • The large sharp claws can also be broken, decreasing its hit range and giving a better chance of rewards for Ceanataur Claws and Pincers. Breaking the claws will cause Shogun Ceanataur to enter permanent rage mode until killed or captured, however.
  • Unlike the Daimyo Hermitaur, whose shell can only be broken by impact damage, Ceanataur's shell can be broken with any form of damage.
  • The Gravios skull that the Shogun Cenataur uses is noticably bigger than the average Gravios head.
  • Strangely, when it jumps to the ceiling, only its legs and shell tilts, meaning that its pincers are upside down in correspondence to its body when clinging to the ceiling.
  • Once you break a Shogun Ceanataur's normal shell, it will flee underground and retrieve a new shell, most commonly a Gravios skull.
  • It can only shoot its water beam when it is using a Gravios skull.
  • When enraged its claws will extend, increasing its attack range.
  • Shogun Ceanataur cannot be fought in Monster Hunter 4, but its items can be traded for, and used to make some Shogun Ceanataur styled equipment.

Monster Hunter Frontier G6

  • Shogun Ceanataur can be captured as a pet. Its favorite food is fish.
