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Wiki L'encyclopédie Moga
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Fléau infligé: .
Mode rage
Manœuvre d'évasion

Vieux Monde[]

-Coup sur la droite ( poisse sur le sol, sur le chasseur ou pas )

-Coup sur la gauche ( idem que la droite )

-Sauter et frapper ( poisse sur le sol ). Danger, attaque longue portée. (Juste avant de se lancer il enduit ses pattes de poisse, il arrive que, quand ses pattes sont enduits de poisse, qu'il saute et frappe le sol sans s'enduire ses pattes).

-Charge en laissant de la poisse sur son sillage ( Ne pas le suivre ni être sur son chemin ) Mode rage, Combat pour les joueurs expérimentés UNIQUEMENT.

-Coup de corne sur le sol ( avec de l'élan ) qui fait une série d'explosions en face (dur à esquiver si l'on se trouve dans la zone touchée ) ,si vous vous faites toucher par l'enfoncement de la corne, vous perdez un peu plus de dégâts.

-Coup de corne sur le sol ( Statique ) qui fait une série d'explosions autour de lui. Fuite conseillée car esquive IMPOSSIBLE. Le Brachydios vous réserve, bien sûr, quelques autres petites surprises.

-Coup de queue 2 fois d'affilé parfois 4 (ATTENTION ! le coup de queue fais même des dégats lorsque vous pensez qu'il est terminer )

Hook Punch Ailment Inflicted: Slime
Normal Mode

Brachydios performs a right or left hook with its fist, inflicting slime ailment upon impact.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

If blocking is possible, do so. This attack causes comparatively low stamina loss and does not inflict recoil damage. It can be countered when using a lance. 

This attack is often used directly after a Strafe Punch. As such, the best way to avoid this attack is to evade into the space between the opposite arm and the tail. At worst, you will take trip damage from the tail, but the punch itself will miss you entirely. This attack creates a puddle of slime on the ground. Avoid the area until the slime explodes.

Strafe Punch

Ailment Inflicted: Slime
Normal Mode

Brachydios leaps 90 degrees to the left or right while punching downward with the corresponding arm, inflicting slime ailment upon impact. 

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Unless the player is standing directly beneath the Brachydios' head at the time, the punch itself will likely not come within striking distance. However, the impact will leave a puddle of slime on the ground in front of it. Avoid the area until the slime has exploded. This attack can be blocked if necessary, but will cause recoil damage. be advised that Brachydios will often follow up with a Hook Punch directly after performing a Strafe Punch. See above for evasive manouvers thereof. 

Advancing Punch Combo[]

Ailment Inflicted: Slime
Normal Mode

Brachydios will travel forward in a straight line, delivering alternating punches with its fists as it goes. It will perform five punches in total. Each Punch will leave a slime puddle on the ground behind it.

Rage Mode
Each punch now creates a large explosion. Brachydios will now home in on the player as it advances.
Evasive Maneuver

This attack can be blocked and countered, so do so if necessary. 

This attack is relatively simple to avoid. Out of range, simply run to the left or right of Brachydios to get clear of its path. In rage, run in a serpentine pattern away from it to shorten the distance it is able to travel as it follows you. Keep well enough away that the explosions created by each punch do not hit you. Afterwards, stay clear of the line of slime puddles to avoid the explosions. 

Slam Punch Ailment Inflicted: Slime
Normal Mode

Brachydios winds up vertically with one of its arms and slams it forcefully to the ground, inflicting slime ailment upon impact. This attack leaves a puddle of slime on the ground.

Rage Mode
The punch now creates a very large explosion upon impact.
Evasive Maneuver

This attack can be blocked, but will cause recoil damage and use up a considerable amount of stamina. 

Out of rage mode, simply roll to the opposite side of Brachydios, as the punch lands off-center. Be sure to get out of range of the slime puddle. In rage mode, evade backwards, away from Brachydios, as you will not be able to clear the explosion by evading left or right. 

Tail Swing Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Brachydios performs a standard Brute Wyvern tail swing, and whips its tail 45 degrees, twice in a row.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

One of the easiest of Brachydios' attacks to evade. If the player is more or less beneath the body of Brachydios as it begins the tail whip, it is possible to "roll through" the attack to the left or right. This attack can be countered with a lance, and blocked relatively easily. If the Brachydios is larger, it can be avoided by simply rolling underneath its body. This option will inflict minor trip damage.

Dive Ailment Inflicted: Slime
Normal Mode

Brachydios walks backwards while licking its forearms, and then runs forward and leaps a considerable distance to attack the player. This attack leaves puddles of slime and inflicts slime ailment upon impact. 

Rage Mode
The impact creates a very large explosion. The attack is used more frequently. 
Evasive Maneuver

This attack can be blocked, but will inflict recoil damage and consume a considerabe amount of stamina. It can be seen coming quite easily, as it has a large windup time. As such, if it is possible to do so in time, the player should sheathe their weapon and dive away from the impact zone. This is less of a necessity out of rage mode, but the explosion created in rage mode has a very large range. With Evade Distance Up, it is possible to roll underneath it in mid air and avoid the impact, even in rage mode. This requires the player to be within a certain distance of the launch point however. 

Flame Wave Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Brachydios slams its horn into the ground and drives it forward, creating a large wall of flame that advances outward a considerable distance. 

Rage Mode
This attack can only be performed during rage mode. 
Evasive Maneuver

This attack can be blocked, however it will cause recoil damage. This attack can be seen coming quite easily, as the Brachydios takes a few seconds to drive the horn into the ground. During this time, the player should roll or dive to either side to remain clear of the path of the firewall. 

Explosion Flurry[]

Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

Brachydios slams its horn into the ground. A few seconds later, many explosions begin occurring within an immediate distance on all sides of it. 

Rage Mode
Less wind-up, more explosions.
Evasive Maneuver

As Brachydios takes a fair amount of time to perform this attack, evasion is relatively simple. While its horn is in the ground, white circles will pop up around it. These indicate where the explosions will take place. The player has ample time to run out of range of these explosions before they occur. Explosions can be blocked. The horn slam itself will cause damage, and can be blocked, albeit with recoil damage.

Roar Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode

The Brachydios will stay still and roar, stopping the Hunter in his/her tracks if caught within the Area of Effect of the roar.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Block if possible/necessary or dive through the roar. Requires High Grade Earplugs to nullify.


  • Certain attacks will not leave puddles of slime if Brachydios has not replenished its supply recently.
  • Brachydios can still inflict slime ailment to the player even when no slime is left on the ground. 