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Il y a deux sections : une pour Monster Hunter Tri, où la plupart des attaques de l'Agnator ont été décrites, et une pour Monster hunter Portable 3rd, où les nouveaux coups et modifications des anciens ont été consignés.

Monster Hunter Tri[]

Pivotement Elément infligé : aucun.
Mode normal

Pas vraiment une attaque, mais la queue inflige de faibles dégâts pendant ce mouvement. L'Agnaktor fait un tour à 180 degrés, balançant un peu sa queue.

Mode enragé
Pas de modification.
Comment l'esquiver ?

Faîtes juste attention à ne pas vous trouver à l'arrière de l'Agnaktor lorsqu'il pivote et la queue ne vous heurtera pas. Si vous y tenez, vous pouvez la bloquer ou rouler pour l'esquiver, mais ce n'est pas intéressant étant donné les dommages très faibles occasionnés.

Charge glissante Elément infligé : aucun.
Normal Mode

L'Agnaktor va reculer un peu, baisser la tête puis charger vers l'avant en glissant. A la fin de l'attaque, le corps de la créature se courbe un peu pour s'arrêter lentement.

Ce coup est identique à la charge glissante (terrestre) du Lagiacrus.

Mode enragé
Pas de modification.
Comment l'esquiver ?

Si vous vous trouvez devant l'Agnaktor au moment de cette attaque, vous pouvez facilement l'esquiver en courrant, en roulant ou en parrant avec votre arme ou votre bouclier.

La façon la plus simple d'éviter cette attaque est de rester en mouvement autour de l'Agnaktor, ainsi il ne pourra pas vous viser convenablement.

Si vous êtes derrière le monstre ou à une petite distance de ses flancs au moment de cette attaque, vous n'aurez rien à faire pour esquiver l'attaque.

Charge de côté Elément infligé : aucun.
Mode normal

L'Agnaktor va se placer de profil, le regard vers le chasseur, prendre un peu d'élan puis s'élancer de tout son long vers le côté.

Cette attaque existe à l'identique chez le Lagiacrus.

Mode enragé
Pas de modification.
Comment l'esquiver ?

Si vous êtes sur le passage de l'Agnaktor, bloquez l'attaque ou roulez sur le côté pour l'esquiver. Le meilleur moyen de rester hors de portée de ce coup est de rester constamment en mouvement autour de l'Agnaktor. Si vous vous trouvez près de sa tête ou du bout de sa queue, la charge ne vous touchera pas.

Plaquage Elément infligé : aucun.
Mode normal

L'Agnaktor lève le haut de son corps avant de retomber lourdement en avant, créant une secousse et envoyant voler le chasseur.

Le monstres est capable de pivoter légerrement en préparant cette attaque pour mieux viser.

La partie inférieure du corps de l'Agnaktor ne cause pas de dégâts durant ce coup bien que la zone où elle se trouve soit touchée par le séisme.

Mode enragé
Pas de modification.
Comment l'esquiver ?

Si vous êtes très proches du poitrail de l'Agnaktor au moment de l'attaque, protégez vous avec votre arme ou votre bouclier ou roulez rapidemment sur le côté. Si vous n'entrez pas en contact avec la créature, vous ne serez pas touché par l'attaque mais vous pouvez trembler suite au séisme.

Le meilleur moyen d'éviter cette attaque est de rester à une distance raisonnable de l'Agnaktor (à peu près la taille de son cou) en bougeant autour de lui, prêt à esquiver ou à bloquer si c'est nécessaire.

Double morsure Elément infligé : aucun.
Mode normal

L'Agnaktor va baisser un peu la tête et avancer en ondulant son corps. A chaque pas (deux), il va mordre, faisant tomber le chasseur s'il est touché. S'il est proche de l'avant de son corps, il peut subir quelques dégâts venant des pattes antérieures de l'Agnaktor.

Mode enragé
Pas de modification.
Comment l'esquiver ?

Si vous êtes devant l'Agnaktor à une distance moyenne, vous pouvez bloquer l'attaque ou l'esquiver avec une roulade ou en courant.

Evitez de rester devant l'Agnaktor durant le combat et vous ne serez pas inquietés par cette attaque.

Quadruple coup de bec Elément infligé : Fléaufeu Fire
Mode normal
The Agnaktor will raise his head and quickly smash his beak into the ground 4 times in a row while moving forward at each peck, sending the Hunter flying and inflicting Fireblight if he/she gets hit by the beak or only dealing minor damage if the Hunter is struck by the chest/front legs, making him/her trip instead.
Mode enragé
Pas de modification.
Comment l'esquiver ?

If you are in front of the Agnaktor the best thing to do is to run away (if you're not too close) and then head sideways out of the line this attack will have effect or roll/dive sideways out of the way.

If you guard against or get hit by this attack, all hits after the hit that made contact will have no effect, giving you a few seconds to hit Agnaktor before it finishes the attack (similar to Uragaan's quadruple chin slam)

In case you're not in front of the Agnaktor when he starts to execute this attack you can make use of the situation and freely attack anywhere except his head/front arms (front arms can be attacked as long as you do it from the sides or behind).

Staying on the move in a sideway fashion/circling around the Agnaktor is the best and easiest way to keep this move from hitting you at any given time.

180 Degree Bite Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode

The Agnaktor will raise his head, swing it 180 degrees sideways along with the upper half of his body. The tail will be swung during the attack, dealing damage.

The tail can also inflict Fireblight and in both cases the Hunter is send flying if hit.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

If you are close to the Agnaktor you can roll through the bite (requires some practice) or away from the bite (but not towards the tail.) It is also possible to Panic Dive through the tail but this is quite dangerous and needs flawless timing to be peformed-otherwise you will just get hit.

If you can block however you can just do it. The attck will only hit you once as well, unlike some other of his moves.

May it be so that you're at a medium distance from the Agnaktor (a distance about as or slightly longer than its tail) you can avoid being hit by simply running away from it so you're not within the area of effect anymore.

Dig and Resurface Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode

The Agnaktor will dig underground by smashing its beak onto it and then spinning his way down, dealing Fireblight and sending the Hunter flying if hit.

The Agnaktor resurfaces in a sortalike fashion, indicated by a large red pool of lava where he will spin his way out of. This sometimes happens on the spot where the player is standing and in this case it usually means that it'll jump through towards the ceiling, although it can also be that the Agnaktor just wants to damage the player while merely resurfacing.

The resurfacing can take place at any random spot in the area.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver
If you happen to be close you can either run/roll/dive away or, if the option is available, guard against the attack. In case of digging, stay alert as he will almost surely start attack from underground. Same goes for resurfacing, he might head towards the ceiling and continue his assault from there.

Semi-Underground Swimming Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode
The Agnaktor will dig then partially resurface and will then quickly "swim" into the direction of the Hunter, sending him/her flying if hit. This attack can be curved and executed multiple times in a row, usually 2-3 times at most.
Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

If possible/necessary, guard agains the attack, otherwise, run/roll out of the way. Diving isn't recommended as these attacks are quick and can be chained.

When the swim attacks turns out to be curving into the direction you're running you can merely evade it by quickly turning around and running/rolling the other way, if necessary that is as sometimes the Agnaktor curves while the player isn't moving, making it unnecessary for the player to move at all.

Spinning Dolphin Jumps (underground)

Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode

The Agnaktor will jump from under the ground, spin in midair then dive back into the lava, sending the Hunter flying and inflicting Fireblight if hit. This attack can be performed 3-5 times in a row and is often chained with the Swim attack and is usually ended with a resurfacing jump on the spot the targeted player is standing.

This attack only targets 1 player at a time.

Rage Mode
The chain of attack becomes bigger.
Evasive Maneuver

If you are capable of blocking you can do so, although it is rather risky as this attack is performed multiple times and often chained with other moves as well, which can lead to your stamina being fully drained and the Agnaktor still being capable to get a full hit on you and inflicting Fireblight.

The best way to avoid this attack and all the chains of attacks that may follow is by running sideways and making U-turns as soon as the Agnaktor shoots back into the ground. Depending on how big the Agnaktor is it might be necessary to roll as well. Do not use Panic Dive on any of these attacks unless you really have no other option or Agnaktor will jump for the last time.

Spinning Ground-to-Ceiling Jump/Ceiling-to Ground Dive

Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode

When underground the Agnaktor will occasionally jump towards the ceiling (while spinning) and then back from the ceiling towards the ground. Both attacks occur on the spot the player is standing and getting hit by either of them will result in you being send flying and being inflicted with Fireblight.

These maneuvers can be chained with any of the other underground attacks.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver
If blocking is possible you can do so, although staying on the move and rolling/diving if necessary is the best way to keep yourself safe from these attacks.

Straight forward Firebeam Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode
The Agnaktor will turn towards the Hunter, gnash his teeth for a second or two and then releases a powerful, armor-piercing (it requires Guard Boost to be blocked) yellow-orange beam that is shot across the area, sending the Hunter flying and dealing both heavy damage and Fireblight if hit.
Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

If you happen to be in front of the Agnaktor (it doesn't matter whether it is close or far away) and you see him gnash his teeth, immediately run sideways so this attack cannot hit you. If you happen to notice it late or are recovering from another attack you should roll or dive to safety.

Blocking this attack must be avoided unless you have an armor with the Guard Boost skill activated.

Staying anywhere but in front of the Agnaktor is the easiest way to stay safe from this attack.

180 Degree Sweeping Firebeam (underground) Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode
The Agnaktor will partially emerge from the ground, gnash his teeth and shoot a firebeam from ground level into the air at first then lower it and then swing it 180 degrees from (his) left to right. This attack covers the same distance as the straightforward firebeam and has exactly the same effects.
Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

Unless you have the Guard Boost skill, make sure you're not directly in front of the Agnaktor when he starts to shoot the firebeam and then, if you're not close to him, run towards (assuming you are in front of him) and dive through the sweeping firebeam.

You can also evade this attack by making sure the vertical segment doesn't hit you and then quickly closing the distance to the extent that you're touching the Agnaktor (once again, do not do this near his front arms). In this situation you can also use the occassion to attack the chest/arms.

If you're not within the 180 degree radius in front of him or you managed to get out of there before he could fire the beam you can use the given time to attack his back and arms.

Short-Range 360 Sweeping Firebeam (underground) Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode

The Agnaktor will pop out of the ground so that only the upper half of his body is on the surface, then he will gnash his teeth and shoot a firebeam, aimed at the ground, which he then spins around, hitting anything that is close to him and covering a radius of 360 degrees. (think of a cone shape)

This attack does not require any counter-action if the Hunter is not close to the Agnaktor.

Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver
If you are standing close to the Agnaktor you can run away from the Agnaktor or roll/dive away so you're not within the area of effect.

Roar Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode
The Agnaktor will release a loud scream that stuns the Hunter if he/she was not able to roll/dive/block the attack while within the roar's reach or when he/she does not have the Earplugs skill activated.
Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver
Block if necessary, dive or time your rolling if you have Evasion +2 to nullify the roar's effect. Players with the Earplugs skill do not have worry about anything and should instead use the few seconds to attack the beast.

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd[]

Curved Quick-Sliding Charge Ailment Inflicted: None
Normal Mode
Basically the same move as the regular Sliding Charge with the exception of that this one is faster in the execution and that while performing this attack the Agnaktor will lock onto the player and slide towards wherever the he/she is moving, as if he's predicting the player's movements.
Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver

If you are at a medium-long distance this attack is way more likely to hit you, so if you can block it is highly advised to do so, although if that is not possible the best thing to do is to move sideways while keeping an eye on where the Agnaktor will slide to and then either quickly turn and run into the other direction or dive through the attack.

Keeping a relatively close distance and circling around the Agnaktor, or rather, sticking somewhere around his sides is also a good way to stay safe from this attack.

Diagonal Ceiling-to Ground Spinning Dive Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode
Exactly the same move but in MHP3rd the Ceiling-to Ground dive is a lock-on type of attack where the Agnaktor doesn't directly dive towards the Hunter but does so diagonally from behind. This version is considerably slower than the normal one though but harder to evade.
Rage Mode
Nothing worth mentioning.
Evasive Maneuver
Keep a close eye on the spot you are standing and at everything behind you as soon as you see the Agnaktor disappear into the ceiling. If blocking is possible, do so but if that is not an option immediately start running away and then to the sides while waiting for the Agnaktor to come down, diving at the last moment if necessary.

Sweeping Firebeam (High Rank Only) Ailment Inflicted: Fireblight Fire
Normal Mode
The Agnaktor will gnash quicker than when he does when he perform his straightforward firebeam and fire it from ground level into the air and then sweeping it from (his) left to right, covering a radius of widely 180 degrees.
Rage Mode
This attack becomes more common.
Evasive Maneuver

Unless you have the Guard Boost armor skill you shouldn't attempt to block this. If you are far away and see the Agna perform this attack make sure to avoid being directly in front of him when he shoots it upward and then, if you are within the 180 degrees radius run clockwise and dive through the sweeping firebeam.

If you are very close however you can evade this attack by immediately running to the Agnaktor's right half of the body and be at least behind his right front leg as the firebeam reaches to that point. On the contrary, if you are close and already at his left you can also just run past his left front arm and hide/attack from there.

Changes in MHP3rd[]

  • Gunlance Shellings cause the Agnaktor's body armor to soften.
  • Agnaktor gains an a huge weakness to the Dragon Element.
  • Agnaktors first Dolphin Spinning Jumps is almost always straightforward, regardless of where the player is standing at that moment.
  • Agnaktor's Ceiling-to Ground Spinning Dive is now Diagonal and follows the player wherever he/she goes.
  • Agnaktor can now perform digging attacks in Area 8 as well.